Monday, February 23, 2009


Seeqpod to me is like the wacky Uncle of Skreemr. The user interface is nuanced and busy, even though it seems to have more capabilities. The gist of Seeqpod is the same, just simply a search engine for tracks of music which pulls its searches from websites all over the globe. There may be a difference in the algorithms used to search the web, but that shouldn't bother the untrained user, as to my knowledge there's really no way of being sure. Whereas Skreemr (supposedly) allows you to download the tracks you find, Seeqpod just lets you save them to a playlist of your choice which can be saved for later, sent to a friend, or embedded into the boring blog of your choice.

Behold, as modern technology allows me to showcase the final song from Conan O'Brien's Late Night, along with two other random, strange tracks put together to form what some refer to as a playlist.

SeeqPod - Playable Search

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