Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Angels & Airwaves

Last Blink-themed post. I started with a thesis and now I'm just chronicling the lives of Mark Hoppus and Tom DeLonge for my own benefit. The latter of those two men seemed to go off the deep end after after Blink 182's original demise. He got a lot weirder, and I think that album cover explains it all. Keep in mind that album artwork is not supposed to be ironic or juvenile. His new band, Angels & Airwaves, has a website that actually requests that you pay for their content such as films and artwork, as if fans cared about anything other than the music. In other words, Tom's new work has been largely pretentious. In fact, when "AVA" debuted, Tom went on a PR blitz claiming his new band was revolutionary. Turns out Tom's idea of "groundbreaking" and "new" just includes some extra irrelevant tracks of noise and guitars with a delay effect. So ironically, groundbreaking to Tom just meant making his band sound like U2. I'm not sure whether or not they've sold well, but combine the current economy with the fact that Tom has lent his name to various business ventures like Macbeth shoes and Atticus clothing (while mark sold his stake in those same ventures) and I think Tom probably has the most to gain by reuniting the old Blink 182 name. As bad as they are, you've likely heard an Angels & Airwaves song, as one song, The Adventure, has been a lot of commercials in the past year. (Ford commercials I think):
Angels And Airwaves - 05 The Adventure
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