Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Boxcar Racer

(Blink 182 + David Kennedy) - (Mark Hoppus + Pop Elements) = Boxcar Racer

Boxcar Racer was a side project put together by Blink 182's Tom Delonge between Blink's two final albums. He positioned it as an outlet for material he felt would have been unbecoming of a Blink 182 record. By saying this he was more or less admitting that Blink had become a cash cow that had gotten away from what had originally driven the band to make music. It was a more personal, much angrier, political record, as well as a continuation of Tom's lyrical theme in which he tries to tell teenage America to stop being so stupid and gullible and stand up for themselves, which we heard earlier on Anthem Pt.II.

For what it's worth, this was Tom's one and only actual punk effort, and in my opinion the greatest work he's ever done. Probably as a way of saying "hey, look, I can be punk," Rancid's Tim Armstrong appears on the track "Cat Like Thief." Needless to say he dismantled the band after this, their only release, saying it had served its purpose. Luckily I had a chance to see them headline with Sum 41 before the breakup. He then went back to (now that I think about it) purposefully make a really crappy Blink 182 record so he'd have an excuse to leave it for good.
Boxcar Racer - Cat Like Thief
Found at skreemr.com

My choice for the album's best song:
Boxcar Racer - There Is
Found at skreemr.com

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