Tuesday, October 27, 2009

USFL Documentary

I happened to catch part of ESPN's new documentary, Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL when it aired last week, and I was impressed.

It's not that it's necessarily great film making, though it was produced by the guy who made The Bronx is Burning. It's just that the film manages to make interesting this football league, the USFL, that I never knew existed despite some of the big names associates with it and despite how relative recent it all took place (early to mid 80s). For the first twenty minutes I swore I was watching a mockumentary with really good CGI for historical footage. But no, it's all real. So real, in fact, that Steve Young, Doug Flutie, Jim Kelly, Herschel Walker, and other future NFL stars all glowingly reminisce about their time spent in the league. Burt Reynolds owned a team!

Anyway, it's worth checking out. Quick spoiler alert, though, the answer is apparently Donald Trump.

One response to “USFL Documentary”

Redheaded Golem said...

The Philadelphia team won their version of the Super Bowl, and it received even less local coverage as when Bon-Jovi's team won the AFL.