Look, I'm not normally in the business of deeming a greatest hits album an all-time "great album." Normally that distinction has to go to a natural LP. Unfortunately I can't listen to every good album that was made before I was born. So, for artists whose body of work was mostly completed before I was born I usually get a Greatest Hits album before deciding how far into their catalog I want to go. I've decided that for Squeeze I'm going to stop at Singles: 45s and Under which was released in 1982, because I can't imagine a better collection of pop songs. As far as I'm concerned these 12 tracks were meant to be played back to back.
The best part about these Squeeze hits is that most if not all of them don't sound overly 70s or 80s era aside from obvious electric drum use and some of the keyboard stuff. Aside from those things, Squeeze could probably re-release some of these songs and they would be just as popular and not at all out of place today.
One song that I think expemplifies this theory is "Is That Love:" That was a hit in 1981? Yeah right.
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