Monday, March 22, 2010

Night Terrors

I'm sure many a rock hit was penned bedside by an insomniac, frustrated at his inability to sleep with or without the usual battery of drugs or alcohol. No time better than the middle of the night to write down that weird shit that's keeping you up. Here are two songs that incorporate the lyricist's late-night tape recordings into the song:

My Chemical Romance - Sleep
MCR's Black Parade was produced at a mansion in Burbank, CA. Each member recounts a creepy, haunted experience during their stay. Gerard Way recorded his first thoughts about experiencing night terrors and incorporated it into a few parts in this song, including the intro.

"There are these terrors. And it's like, it feels like as if somebody was gripping my...Like last night, they are not like tremors, they are worse than tremors
Like last night, they are not like tremors, they are worse than tremors, there are these terrors. And it's like, it feels like as if somebody was gripping my throat and squeezing.....
"...Sometimes I see flames.
And sometimes I see people that I love dying and... it's always...""

Alkaline Trio - Warbrain
Matt Skiba's late night, insomnia fueled Nietsche reading led him to tape a certain passage he liked at 4am. It later ended up as the intro for this track which was recorded specifically for the first volume of the Rock Against Bush compilation.
Thoughts are the shadows of feelings, always darker, emptier, and simpler. I don't care if they're fake or real. I just thank them for showing up at all. I have black periods. Who does not? But they do not have me, they are not a part of illness, but a part of my being. One might say I have the courage to have them. It's four o clock in the morning. This sucks.

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