Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Small Wonder DVD

The 1985 tv series Small Wonder,a delightful little show about a robotic daughter brought home form the lab so that it can "mature within a family environment," (hilarity inevitably ensued) was officially brought to DVD this week. This begs the question, "who the hell asked for a DVD of Small Wonder?"

Look, I'll admit as 7 year old watching reruns of the show, VICI's (Vicky) literal interpretation of human speech was unending in its wealth of hilarity. A robot mocking humans is sometimes funny, sometimes not (see:Bicentennial Man). The fact that I even remembered the show when I read about this and decided it was post-worthy is plenty proof that I liked it as some time. But there are just so many shows that need to have official DVDs made before we bestow a show the likes of Small Wonder with that honor. Quick research reveals that even The Wonder Years (the charming television show, not the Philadelphia-based punk rock band) hasn't been made into DVD yet. But there are many more. For example, why isn't every season of SNL on DVD? I'd buy that. I'd spend significant money on that. So I ask, with love, WTF television industry?

One response to “Small Wonder DVD”

Redheaded Golem said...

I read once that "Wonder Years" is the most requested TV series not yet on DVD. It's held up due to music rights. The same goes for SNL, although they have released the first five seasons, and all the music. I'm curious to see if they release the horrible "Gilbert Gottfried" season next, as scheduled - or will they pretend it never happened? (There were a lot of good musical performances that year).