Deltron 3030 is considered a supergroup even though its 3 components are not household names. They are the rapper,
Del tha Funkee Homosapien, the beat master, Dan "
the automator" Nakamura, and the turntablist,
Kid Koala. Together in 2000 they crafted their self-titled masterpiece that
PopMatters calls an
essential record. More importantly, it took me 9 years to finally check it out despite my brother's urges, and now I cannot stop listening to it. Listening to this album makes me walk with an extra hitch to my step, smiling and bobbing my head. And it's essentially rap..which I've often documented my dislike of.
What you have here is futuristic and bizarre music that works like a film score to Del's nerd-rapped story about outer space in the year 3030, in which he's a super hero named Deltron Zero in a galaxy run by a select, superwealthy oligarchy who have enslaved the masses and let them rot away. And also Deltron Z has can inflict pain on people with rhymes in literal rap battles. Even with that brief description of the album, you begin to see why critics have
largely praised it. There's obvious room for Del to make criticisms of modern times from his spacey comfort zone, and he does it well enough that the album feels deep as well as catchy and well crafted.
Also, guest stars aplenty, including a heavy dose of Blur's Damon Albar, who would later work on Gorillaz material with members of Deltron as well as Sean Lennon.
This track sums the album up best. You'll remember Del's voice as Russell in the popular Gorillaz song "
Clint Eastwood."