Thursday, April 2, 2009


I saw Watchmen last weekend and immediately joined the small legion of people who swear this was a better film than Dark Knight, although overall I felt they were both great films. For me it was probably because I never read the graphic novel , so I entered the experience with no expectations and allowed the director and writers to get me caught up, which they do a tremendous job of. For me, the performance (mostly voice) of Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach stole the show. We hadn't seen him act in anything significant since he played Kelly Leak in the Bad News Bears. I look forward to all of the Rorschach costumes I'm sure I'll be seeing next Halloween (I'll make one if nobody else does).

The film also starts and ends with a Bob Dylan song, one performed by the legend himself and the other a cover by a punkish type band I have mixed feelings about called My Chemical Romance. Here are both songs:
Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin'
Found at

Desolation Row - My Chemical Romance

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