Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Also, too"

I don't like the phrase "also, too." It frankly doesn't make sense. Doesn't the "also" make the "too" unnecessary? Aren't both words being used to convey the same idea that you are adding something to your speech that hasn't been mentioned yet? Here's how it's commonly and incorrectly used:
I think the Eagles can use a younger running back. Also too they could use a stronger tight end.
Well if you're like me and can't stand this phrase, we can unite to blame just one person, and her name is Sarah Palin. The phrase was a mainstay in her speeches leading up to the election last November. Her folksy demeanor I'm sure made "also, too" an acceptable form of communication to millions. Let's all do our part and call other people out on this annoyance.

Other annoyed bloggers:
Dwyer/Huffington Post

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