Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Movie Roundup

Just saw District 9 last night and it immediately went into my top 2 summer films of 2009. Why? Because it was different. For one there isn't an American actor in the thing, let alone an actor you've heard of, so it's not Hollywood-ized in the least. In fact, the lead, who does a tremendous job, is acting in his first ever film here. There is both a love angle and a racism motif, but you aren't beaten over the head with either of them. No, this is just a smart, new unpredictable thriller about aliens that aren't just one dimensional.

Hangover still beats it for many of these same kind of "different" reasons besides its hilarity, but it also gets the (+) for Galifankis' role. Here are my summer grades so far, graded on a curve:

The Hangover.....................A+
District 9............................A
Star Trek............................A-
Harry Potter........................B-
Funny People......................C+
Year One.............................D
Night at the Museum 2........D-

To be added in the next few weeks: Inglorious Basterds, The Marc Pease Experience

2 Responses to “Summer Movie Roundup”

Redheaded Golem said...

Wolverine B+
Watchmen B+
Up B+
Star Trek B-
BrĂ¼no C

Wolverine is good old-fashioned Summer movie. Check it out on DVD. I will definitely catch District 9, and will try to see Basterds.

As for Star Trek, I liked it as a movie, but as an old-school Shatner/Nimoy fan - I agree with a comment I overheard in the lobby after the movie: "I'm sorry, but that was the gayest thing I've ever seen..."