Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cake Wrecks

I'm fortunate to have a girlfriend who is talented at making baked goods into beautifully crafted works of art. You can bet, then, that my new digital camera and this great blog, Cake Wrecks, will combine together to further assure that she will never make a shoddy cake for fear that I will most definitely post it to be lambasted by the site's hilarious author.

Cake Wrecks

Bulldozed; Starting Anew

This site started as a way for me to derive entertainment from work by writing about it and then being inspired by that writing to do more writing. The problem is that my job is just not all that entertaining right now, and the truth is that most of my days are spent trying to entertain myself by learning about wonderful things on the internets instead. So, while the occasional work related post is still possible, I think as a writing exercise I'll just be posting about things I deem to be awesome, including, hopefully, photos that I take.

Monday, December 29, 2008

CEO at the Gym Pt.2

It's a mundane topic, I know. But it's all I have. This site is my one and only New Year's resolution, and I think the changes will be pretty enormous.

Today I learned the following lesson: If you somehow forget to pack extra gym clothes, don't allow the one t-shirt you have to look like this:

Okay, it may not be the worst thing in the World, but I just know it's going to come back to haunt me somehow.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today I worked out with the CEO during lunch. His company manages trillions of dollars (before econageddon, anyway) in assets and employs over 11,000 people yet the he still works out in the same tiny gym during lunch that us grunts do. He's far and away the nicest CEO I've ever met.